Burkina Faso/Transition: President Ibrahim TRAORE’s achievements a threat to some

After the coup d’état of September 30th, 2022, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, President of the Transition in Burkina Faso, inherited a country full of challenges. Above all security and economic challenges.

It should be remembered that the country of men of integrity has been threatened by terrorism for more than a decade.

 This scourge has been fuelled by certain foreign powers, the imperialists and neo-colonialists, in complicity with the country’s politicians.

This has led to the country’s current precarious economic situation. A situation accentuated by corruption, bad governance and the plundering of natural resources, to name but a few.

When he came to power, Captain  Ibrahim TRAORE and his MPSR team succeeded in establishing a strategy for fighting terrorism and boosting the economy.

Their determination and dedication to reconquering the territory of Burkina Faso led to the introduction of the policy of mobilising Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP).

The dedicated, patriotic and Pan-Africanist Head of State has made training and equipping the FDS a priority.

This has led him to forge relations of military cooperation, particularly with Russia and the two neighbouring countries in the Sahel, Mali and Niger (Alliance of Sahel States).

It is this determination on the part of Captain TRAORE and his fighting strategies that have enabled the security situation to be turned around.

Jihadists have been hunted down thanks to the intelligence services put in place.

It is true that there is still work to be done, but the people of Burkina Faso can testify that in less than a year, areas that were once under siege have been reclaimed.

Farmers have resumed agricultural activities on their previously inaccessible land. Others have returned to their homes.

 Last August, for example, 191,937 internally displaced persons returned to their homes. The struggle continues and intensifies.

On the economic front, things are already moving with the TRAORE special programme of community entrepreneurship through popular shareholding.

The transition is taking action in line with the aspirations of the people, which is why it has their support.

That said, the MPSR transition is on the right track, and that is what bothers the enemies and detractors of Burkina Faso.

The success of the transition presupposes that it is the end of the reign of the imperialists and professional thieves.

 The reason for the plots and the plan to destabilise the transition.

After the repeated failure of their plans, they are devoting themselves to the manipulation of consciences and intoxications with the aim of dividing the members of the MPSR2 and inciting the population to revolt against the transition.

This transition was instituted by the people and for the people. Its determination and dedication are unshakeable. Patriotism is the winner.

Neil Camara