Burkina Faso / The recurring accusations against the MPSR and Captain Ibrahim Traoré: imperialist plots?

Since  the rise of  Captain Ibrahim Traoré to power in Burkina Faso, the country has faced a relentless campaign of defamation, allegedly orchestrated by imperialist forces and their local allies.

These attacks, propagated by certain media outlets and international human rights organizations, appear to be driven by Traoré’s staunch opposition to imperialist and neocolonial policies.

Upon assuming the presidency, Ibrahim Traoré initiated several reforms aimed at bolstering Burkina Faso’s sovereignty and reducing foreign influence.

His independent stance quickly provoked the ire of Western powers, who perceive it as a direct threat to their interests in the region.

Western media, particularly French outlets like RFI and France 24, are reportedly mobilized by the Élysée Palace to tarnish the image of the MPRS and its leader, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

These media outlets, along with NGOs such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have issued reports accusing the Burkinabe government of human rights violations.

These reports, often based on unverified information, are regularly disseminated without concrete evidence, allegedly to justify external interventions under the guise of peace missions, similar to those in Libya, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

These media, accused of being government mouthpieces, play a crucial role in spreading propaganda aimed at discrediting leaders who resist imperialist interests.

President Ibrahim Traoré has vocally opposed the imperialist and neo-colonialist policies of Western powers, which aim to maintain control over natural resources and perpetuate economic and political dependency of African countries on the West.

The attacks on Burkina Faso and President Ibrahim Traoré are seen as part of a broader plot to uphold imperialist and neo-colonialist influence in Africa.

Far from being neutral observers, Western media and international human rights organizations are allegedly active participants in this destabilization campaign.

Olivier TOE