Burkina Faso: The new IFAD Representative meets Minister ROUAMBA to strengthen cooperation in agricultural development

 The new IFAD Representative meets Minister ROUAMBA to strengthen cooperation in agricultural development. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a specialized agency of the United Nations with a mission to combat rural poverty in developing countries. Burkina Faso, an agricultural country, is one of the beneficiaries of IFAD’s interventions.

On Monday, June 26, 2023, the new Country Director and Representative of IFAD, Ms. Ann TURINAYO, presented her credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation, and Burkinabes Living Abroad, H.E. Ms. Olivia ROUAMBA.

During this meeting, the IFAD Representative presented the institution’s missions and its role in rural development.

IFAD works in rural areas to help small-scale farmers improve their agricultural production and access markets. The institution also supports farmers in building resilience to the effects of climate change.

 IFAD’s interventions in Burkina Faso have strengthened the capacity of producers, improved rural infrastructure, and increased agricultural production.

The presence of IFAD in Burkina Faso is highly appreciated, according to Minister Olivia ROUAMBA.

She commended IFAD’s actions in support of small-scale farmers and expressed her department’s readiness to support the new IFAD Representative in her missions in Burkina Faso.

Both officials agreed to have regular meetings to assess the implementation of IFAD’s interventions in Burkina Faso.

The new IFAD Representative, Ms. Ann TURINAYO, will have the important task to carry on the different actions of this Organization for the development of the rural areas in Burkina Faso.

Neil Camara