Burkina Faso: The National Conference on the dematerialization of administrative procedures Presided over  by the head of state.

The National Conference on the dematerialization of administrative procedures began on Tuesday, April 11th, 2023 and will end up on April 13th.

The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traore, had the pleasure to preside over the opening ceremony of this national meeting.

The dematerialization of administrative procedures is an important tool for State reform, a key focus of the President’s efforts, as demonstrated by his presence at this event, emphasizing the value he places on digital transformation. It is included in axis two of the Transition Action Plan.

The dematerialization of administrative procedures aims as well to fight against incivility and poor economic and financial governance. That’s what the Minister of Digital Transition, Posts, and Electronic Communications, Aminata Zerbo/Sabane let know in her opening speech on behalf of the President of the Transition.

Further, emphasized the Minister: « Our efforts aim at  achieving a comprehensive State reform. The latter necessarily involves a profound transformation of the public administration, in order to be modern, efficient, and responsive to the aspirations of citizens in a timely and effective manner».

The purpose of the transition government through this conference is to harness the enormous potential that digital technology offers to modernize the administration and facilitate access to quality public services for the population.

The objective of this event is to make recommendations to accelerate the process towards a more active, qualitative, accessible, efficient, and responsive administration.

The National Conference on the dematerialization of administrative procedures is being held from April 11th to 13th, 2023, under the high patronage of President Ibrahim Traore.

Its based on the theme «Political Transition – Digital Transition: placing the dematerialization of administrative procedures at the heart of State reform for the benefit of Burkinabe citizens»

Yannick H.