Burkina Faso: The MPSR persists and signs. Together with the Burkinabe, terrorism will be defeated

During the speech of President Ibrahim TRAORE of the MPSR, one sentence caught our attention. Together with the Burkinabe, terrorism will be defeated.

A frank, humble and respectful speech towards his compatriots. To definitively defeat terrorism and give a better future to the youth of Burkina Faso, the Patriotic Movement for Safeguarding and Restoration (MPSR), is reaching out to the FDS, all corps and ranks combined.

According to His Excellency Ibrahim TRAORE, it is time to unite and liberate the country. It is not a question of loving each other but rather of defending and liberating the nation and above all of putting into practice the oath that consists in protecting the population.

For the MPSR, the population must also advocate solidarity, unity and tolerance, in order to succeed together in the current challenge, which is the fight against terrorism. It should be noted that Burkina Faso has recently become a theatre of manipulation.

It is therefore time for all the SDF to be united and mobilised to not only reject manipulation, but above all to say yes to a new Burkina. Furthermore, the Head of State of Burkina Faso promised to make the means available to the SDF for the protection of the population.

Miss OLY