Burkina Faso: The headmasters congratulated by the CNJB. President Moumouni DIALLA persists and signs, there will be no turning back

Like a sword stroke, the economics operators, the business men the most influential ones of Burkina Faso have decided to meet to highlighting the interest of the homeland, people interest in order to be able to effectively support the transitional authorities.
Such an initiative greeted by the African people can’t escape to the burkinabe youth head who is not only congratulates headquarters but intends to follow the example. Mr. Moumouni DIALLA President of the National Youth Council of Burkina Faso ( CNBJ)contacted by our editor first of all congratulated this initiative which for him is a big step for the resolution of the Burkina Faso crisis.
‘’ The headmasters of our country whether they like it or not they hold the twine of the management of this country but in a differente way. If today, God touched their hearts, and they decide to join forces with honesty, in the fear of God to support unanimously the president Ibrahim Traore and his government that’s mean They understood the cries of Burkinabe’’ declare the Burkinabe youth headmaster.

‘’This initiative, that brings Burkina Faso together is already a victory against the territorism it must be supported, the economics operators must be encouraged to stop giving into manipulation and division’’ he continues.
Moreover the (CNBJ)is happy for such an initiative and pray God to bless it.
To conclude, all Burkinabe congratulates this initiative from headmasters but are still concerned about what comes next. According to many languages, the Burkinabe billionaires are tend to indulge into manipulation and which sometimes creates quarrel between the employer community leadership wars that unknowingly weaken the Burkinabe climate.