Burkina-Faso: The government has called on national opinion to take action within the framework defined by the state

In Burkina, in the dynamics of the citizen war effort, “…campaigns to support the fighting forces are launched, particularly on social networks”. To this end, the government, in a communiqué dated 18 November 2022, called on “the initiators and all those of goodwill to register their actions within the frameworks defined by the state”.

The Government has noted that campaigns in support of the fighting forces have been launched, particularly on social networks. Thus, through visuals and messages, organisations and individuals are calling on citizens to make financial contributions and donations in kind to the Defence and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP).

The Government welcomes the spirit of citizen participation in the war effort that motivates these initiatives. However, it calls on the initiators and all those of goodwill to place their actions within the frameworks defined by the State for greater transparency, traceability and efficiency in the collection of donations.

“In accordance with its intrinsic values, a committee has been set up to ensure transparency in the collection of contributions from all those of goodwill wishing to participate in the national effort to overcome the security and humanitarian crises facing our country,” the statement said.

The Government reassures the public of its commitment to put all the resources thus mobilised at the service of the fight against terrorism for the total liberation of the country.

Pending the operationalisation of the global initiative of a Fund to support the war effort, financial contributions are receivable by mobile payment according to the syntaxes of mobile phone operators in Burkina Faso.

Miss OLY