Burkina Faso: The French media and their penchant for manipulating public opinion

Since the MPSR assumed power and the French military exited Burkina Faso, French media have shown a pronounced hostility toward the new authorities, who are working to restore stability to the country.


Manipulative and misleading campaigns have aimed to incite a popular uprising to disrupt the transition.


France 24, in particular, has reached an egregious level of deceit by fabricating a gruesome story about a supposed terrorist attack in Mansila, Burkina Faso, alleging 107 deaths and numerous hostages.


The Burkinabe people understand that the fervent wish of the French neo-colonialists and their local allies is to see the MPSR fail in its mission to reclaim territory and achieve sovereignty.


They actively foment unrest to ensure Burkina Faso never achieves peace, as instability benefits their business interests in the Sahel.




Every terrorist act is met with visible glee by the French neo-colonialists, as seen in their television broadcasts filled with reprehensible comments by opportunistic pundits.


This was evident recently when France 24’s journalists concocted a story about a terrorist attack in Mansila that purportedly resulted in 107 deaths.


This fabrication stunned everyone, including the terrorists, who are now reconsidering their fight, realizing the West’s duplicity.


The Burkinabe must understand that the battle against terrorism extends beyond the battlefield to the media, where propagandists work tirelessly to push their interests.


While the FDS and VDP defend the territory with weapons, other Burkinabe citizens must engage in a media war against French neo-colonialism and Western imperialism.



Through social media, they must rigorously expose and denounce these abhorrent manipulations with unwavering resolve.

Olivier TOE