Burkina Faso: Regular troops gave terrorists no mercy in the country Center-North

Burkina Faso has become a living hell for persistent terrorists. For over a month, the Burkinabe army has been killing jihadists during operations.

The success of the defense and security forces suggests a better future ahead.

The aerial vectors of the Burkinabe combat forces spotted a terrorist group moving towards the Center-North region with the intention of carrying out fraudulent operations.

The army reacted promptly, and their response was fatal, causing many deaths on the side of the jihadists. Several terrorists died in airstrikes and were left burnt to ashes.

The armed forces and volunteers, with the help of combat drones annihilated terrorists who were attempting to attack towns in the northern part of the country. A group of jihadists had infiltrated these towns with the intention of committing heinous acts against the local population.

However, the Burkinabe army neutralized them. After their defeat, the insurgents retreated to small abandoned houses, but even there, they were not safe from the Burkinabe aerial vectors.

As for the survivors, the ground forces continue to track them down. Let’s recall that the operation to reconquer the national territory is ongoing throughout the country for the happiness of the population.

Under pressure from the ground and aerial combat operations carried out by the combat forces, terrorists have been forced to leave their hideouts and head for the cities.

Among the deserters, the Burkinabe army has identified many minors aged between 15 and 17 years old. Last week, there were supplies of several towns in Burkina Faso, and the offensives continue with the aim of defeating these wrongdoers.

Yannick H.