Burkina Faso: Reconquest of national territory/ Terrorist groups lose another leader

In Burkina Faso, both the assailants and their leaders are now facing the full force of the combative forces, leaving no room for their continued reign of terror among the population.

Recently, the 18th Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) achieved a significant breakthrough in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, particularly in Balavé, located in the Banwa province.

The operation resulted in the neutralization of several terrorists who had previously felt secure in their hideouts.

Displaying unwavering determination to reclaim every inch of the territory from these assailants, the patriotic forces conducted thorough searches throughout the area. From Solenzo to the village of Masso, extending to Orowe, 8 kilometers from Tansila and 22 kilometers from Balavé, every corner was meticulously combed, and even the trees were shaken to uncover hidden threats.

The outcome of this extensive operation included the neutralization of around fifteen terrorists and the recovery of weapons, ammunition, provisions, motorcycles, and other materials from their possession.

Adding to this significant success, a terrorist leader, along with six of his accomplices, was apprehended in an area between Balavé, Orowe, and the village of Gama, bringing relief and hope to the local communities.

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Olivier TOE