Burkina Faso:  President Umaro Embalo reduced ECOWAS to France’s slave

 It seems that  President Umaro Embalo is playing the role of  an apprentice  slave trader, with France as collaborator. On April 20, 2023, a tragedy struck the village of Karma located in the Yatenga province in northern Burkina Faso. Unidentified armed men carried out a massacre of civilian populations.

According to a statement by the prosecutor of Faso in charge of the village of Karma, it was men who wore the uniform of the Burkinabe army, who carried out this horrible attack. The tragedy in Karma has shocked the Burkinabe public opinion and the international community.

The current President of ECOWAS, Umaro Embalo, did not hesitate to use the term «genocide» to describe the massacre in Karma.

The President of Guinea-Bissau endorsed destabilization in Burkina Faso for the purpose of renewing his term office as head of the ECOWAS. In June of this year, Umaro Sissoco is supposed to step down from the presidency.

Speaking of his record, Umaro Sissoco has based his term only on words without actions. It is also noted that under his presidency, there have been more sanctions.

 While African countries like Mali and Burkina Faso are struggling to end imperialism, President Umaro Sissoco sees this as a problem and imposes sanctions to please the West. During his mandate, the President of Guinea-Bissau has made the ECOWAS a slave to France.

It seems that President Umaro Sissoco has removed one of the objectives of ECOWAS, which is to strengthen relations between member states.

 In January 2023, during his visit to Burkina Faso, President Embalo reaffirmed the organization’s readiness to support and accompany Burkina Faso in its fight.

If the Burkinabe authorities were hoping for more than just promises from Umaro, the terrorists would have finished off the country. President Umaro Sissoco should take a lesson from the Togolese President, HE Faure Gnassingbé.

The Burkinabe authorities have sought to reframe the comments made by the current President of ECOWAS.

 The term “genocide”, that the Guinean President used is inappropriate and undermines the government’s efforts in the fight against terrorism.

«The Government of Burkina Faso was very surprised by the content of a tweet on April 27, 2023, published on behalf of ECOWAS on the personal page of the President of the Conference of Heads of State, H.E.M. Umaro Sissoco Embalo, using the serious concept of “genocide” to describe the tragedy that occurred in the village of Karma on April 20, 2023», related the Burkinabe government statement.

The Burkinabe government is calling on the President of the ECOWAS to exercise caution, as the Burkinabe justice system is currently conducting investigations to shed light on the Karma tragedy.

« The Government of Burkina Faso would like to draw the attention of His Excellency President EMBALO and that of the ECOWAS Commission that a qualification as serious as that of ‘genocide’ regarding the events that have mourned the Burkinabè must necessarily be made in the light of an investigation carried out by a duly authorized body. The investigation opened by the Burkinabe judicial authority is part of this professional and cautious approach», can we read the statement.

It seems that Burkina Faso doesn’t need words, but rather actions. When the terrorists attacked Burkinabe soldiers, did the President of the West African Organization have no Twitter account to condemn this barbaric act?

But as soon as the terrorists attacked his community (since Umaro Sissoco is Fulani), he plays the role of the good Samaritan in the eyes of the international community.

Burkina Faso is part of the organization and deserves the same rights as its fellow brother countries.

Nicky Bonsafo