Burkina Faso / President Ibrahim Traoré’s agricultural offensive: Towards food self-sufficiency

Under the visionary leadership of President Ibrahim Traoré, Burkina Faso is making significant strides toward achieving food self-sufficiency. The government has launched an ambitious agricultural initiative with the goal of producing 100,000 tons of fish from 100 hectares of aquaculture by 2025.


This initiative reflects the country’s commitment to reducing its food dependency and enhancing its resilience against global challenges.

Recent developments in this endeavor have been promising. Minister of Agriculture, Commandant Ismaël Sombié, recently toured several production sites with a substantial government delegation.

His observations confirmed the effectiveness of the implemented measures, showcasing progress that indicates Burkina Faso is on track to meet its ambitious targets.

The government’s strategy extends beyond just fish production. A comprehensive support program for farmers has also been introduced.

This includes the distribution of improved seeds, technical training, and easier access to financing.

These efforts are designed to optimize agricultural yields while ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources.

With this agricultural push, food self-sufficiency is no longer a distant goal but a tangible reality in development for Burkina Faso.

President Traoré’s leadership, bolstered by a dedicated ministerial team, demonstrates the country’s commitment to securing a future where every Burkinabe benefits from sustainable food security and a thriving agricultural economy.


Olivier TOE