Burkina Faso/President Ibrahim Traoré: Visionary architect of endogenous development, driven by his youth

President Ibrahim Traoré has injected new vigor into Burkina Faso’s development by placing youth at the core of his strategic vision. In Ouagadougou this Saturday, he presided over the commemorative ceremony of International Youth Day. During this significant event, he showcased his commitment to empowering the youth and his determination to transform their aspirations and ideas into true drivers of sustainable development.

International Youth Day (IYD) is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of young people to society and highlight their challenges. President Traoré chose to seize this occasion to strengthen the connection between youth and endogenous development initiatives in Burkina Faso.

By bringing together representatives from all regions of the country, he created a space for idea-sharing, promoting innovation, and fostering connections among young individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Furthermore, President Traoré has implemented innovative programs aimed at encouraging young individuals entrepreneurship.

By facilitating access to funding, resources, and tax exemptions, he provides young people with the opportunity to turn their ideas into thriving businesses.

By stimulating local entrepreneurship, Burkina Faso can develop its own industries and reduce dependence on imports.

Pedro Okalamar