Burkina Faso: President Ibrahim Traoré guarantees equitable access to quality healthcare services for all Burkinabes

During the Council of Ministers held on Thursday, July 6, 2023, Burkina Faso decided to regulate the interventions of public health workers in private healthcare facilities, as reported in the minutes of the Council presided over by the President of the Burkinabe Revolution, His Excellency Captain Ibrahim Traoré, Head of State. The ultimate goal of this decision is to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare services for the Burkinabe population.

At this weekly ceremony, the Council adopted a report from the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene regarding the issue of interventions by public health workers in private healthcare facilities.

By regulating the interventions of public workers in the private sector, the government aims to prevent discriminatory practices and ensure that every individual, regardless of their socio-economic status, can access appropriate healthcare.

Based on the report presented by Minister Robert Lucien Jean-Claude KARGOUGOU, this regulation will involve the signing of agreements between the public health workers, public healthcare facilities, the universities to which these health workers belong, and all private healthcare facilities where they are required to intervene.

Accordingly, the regulation allows public health workers to intervene for a maximum of eight (8) hours per week in the private sector, either in one full day or two half-days.

The government has taken measures to ensure compliance with the decree.

Minister KARGOUGOU indicated that, for specialists, the authorization to intervene in private facilities is valid for a maximum period of two years.

 At the end of this period, specialists will be asked to formally choose between working in the public sector or the private sector.

However, the authorization for other healthcare professionals is valid for a maximum period of one year.

Similarly, a choice must be made regarding the chosen practice at the end of the required duration.

This report will improve the availability of healthcare workers in public healthcare facilities in Burkina Faso.

 Additionally, healthcare workers will have more availability to meet the needs of the population in the public sector, as they have been accustomed to doing.

This will also contribute to reducing waiting times and improving the quality of care, thereby enhancing patient trust in the healthcare system in Burkina Faso.

This significant and commendable decision  by the Burkinabe government under the leadership of President of the Burkinabe Revolution, His Excellency Captain Ibrahim Traoré,  to guarantee an equitable access to quality healthcare services, is an important step towards better regulation and distribution of human resources in the healthcare sector in Burkina Faso.

Neil Camara