Burkina Faso: President Ibrahim TRAORE determined to serve his country and his people

Since assuming the highest office in Burkina Faso, President Ibrahim Traoré has consistently demonstrated his commitment to serving his people and his nation.


His actions and decisions clearly reflect this dedication.


To better address the aspirations of his people, President Traoré organized a session of sharing, listening, and dialogue with the key stakeholders of the nation on Thursday, July 11.


This initiative comes shortly after the start of his second transitional mandate, which the Burkinabe people deemed fit to entrust to Captain Traoré.


From defense to diplomacy, security to agriculture, and industrialization to basic social infrastructure, the President has shown his compatriots that he is determined to steer the country towards a better future and that he is worthy of their trust.


He intends to continue on this path, ensuring the security, peace, sovereignty, and prosperity of the country, as well as the well-being of its people.


For this reason, President Traoré announced more significant actions in these key areas of the transition, all in the supreme interest of the people and the nation as a whole.


In terms of security, for example, the President reaffirmed the recruitment of 10,000 soldiers to bolster the ranks of the combat forces, supported by additional combat equipment.


To ensure justice for all Burkinabe, President Ibrahim Traoré announced a reform of the justice system and a vigorous fight against injustice and corruption, especially within public administration.


Perpetrators of such reprehensible acts will be punished accordingly, setting an example for others.