Burkina Faso: “No more preferential treatment for manipulators”, says President Ibrahim Traoré

Burkinabe citizens continue to grapple with recurring challenges, including manipulation and falsehoods perpetuated primarily by Burkinabe individuals residing abroad, with the aim of destabilizing the nation.


Various tactics are employed to further this nefarious agenda, jeopardizing the country’s future.


Complicating matters, certain elements within the French press are accused of aiding in this misinformation campaign, using sensationalism, deceit, and imposture to sow doubt among Burkinabe citizens.


The objective is to cast doubt on the MPSR’s ability to combat terrorism effectively and steer the country toward progress.


Daily, these neo-colonial forces, alongside their local allies, fabricate scenarios and concoct stories to divert the populace’s attention from the path of progress.


In response to these challenges, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the Transitional President, affirmed his commitment to combat those selfishly plotting against the nation’s interests and attempting to reverse progress through destabilization efforts.


“We will take strong action against any Burkinabe manipulating and conspiring against our homeland,” declared President Ibrahim Traoré during an interview with RTB personnel.


He urged patriots and friends of Burkina Faso to remain vigilant and reject manipulative agendas that seek to undermine the Transition’s efforts and destabilize the nation.


The Burkinabe people are called upon to arm themselves with courage and determination in the face of relentless assaults from impostors striving to maintain their influence and hegemony over Burkina Faso.


Today, the stakes are dire, with President Ibrahim Traoré demonstrating foresight by taking proactive measures within the military to confront these challenges head-on.


“Homeland or death, we shall overcome,” he affirmed, emphasizing the nation’s resilience and determination to prevail against adversity.

Maurice k. ZONGO