Burkina Faso: Ms Olivia ROUAMBA the essence of a crucial cooperation.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, Olivia Rouamba, has been receiving diplomats and international partners since her reappointment to the current transitional government to help Burkina Faso in the area of security. Given the unjustified mistrust of these cooperations, it is necessary to enlighten the Burkinabe on the need to support the diplomacy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The commitment of certain foreign states to support Burkina in the fight against terrorism is a strong signal of their intrinsic links with Africa in general and Burkina Faso in particular.

At a time when the emergency is facing a terrorism that is gaining ground and strategy every day, whatever the political orientation of Burkina, the country can no longer do without cooperation. Cooperation in the eyes of Africans has always been a ruse to lick the boots of the imperialist development worker. This erroneous idea of cooperation was wrongly nourished by the colonialist system of Françafrique at the time.

But inter-state cooperation has since entered a new era of fruitful exchanges in various fields for development. We are now talking about partnerships aimed at mutually reinforcing capacities in mutual aid. Non-conformists will say that cooperation with the countries of the North does not bring anything to African states, except alienation of the African government system to the political correctness of the West.

These approaches are now outdated and should no longer be part of African prejudices. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a strategic and sensitive portfolio within the transitional government in Burkina because it embodies the vision and image of an entire people abroad. But at the same time, diplomacy created to polish the image of a nation in the eyes of other foreign states must not be confronted with antagonistic positions that sometimes destroy cooperation efforts.

The current situation in Burkina Faso requires the country to cooperate extensively with its sub-regional neighbours but also with the rest of the world. In the search for a solution, there is no bias. For this reason, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs Olivia Rouamba, is working hard to make Burkina Faso an equal partner with the international community in order to combine efforts. It is therefore up to the Burkinabe to accompany, support and further boost this foreign policy of Burkina through the actions of the diplomat Olivia ROUAMBA.

In reality, the people of Burkina Faso must understand that cooperation means working together with others to turn an uncomfortable situation into a haven of mutual well-being. Let us not fool ourselves. The other weapon of the enemies of the republic is to spread false information about the cooperation links between Burkina and its partners in order to keep the country in its current state. The time when cooperation was still a colonial trick to plunder the resources of Africans is over.

Mentalities must change as the cooperation deal changes for a partnership where everyone benefits in an equitable manner. Mrs. Olivia Rouamba is an excellent actress in the field of cooperation, aware of the enormous benefits to be gained from international partners in a transition process with enormous security issues. “One always needs the other hand to applaud” says an African adage. The whole country of the Integral Men must fully support the policy of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

In this respect, the Burkinabe must encourage the actions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs Olivia ROUAMBA in her difficult and perilous mission instead of sometimes failing to disrupt her diplomatic vision for the country. Several foreign states are committed to effectively supporting the fight against terrorism in Faso. In any case, H.E. Mrs Olivia ROUAMBA has understood that there is only cooperation with other States to definitively defeat terrorism in Burkina.

It is therefore incumbent on all Burkinabè, regardless of their political tendency, to contribute to cooperation efforts.

Miss OLY