Burkina-Faso: Mr Issouf Sirima, a minister committed to the development of Burkinabe youth.

In his vision of leading a transition that meets the aspirations of all Burkinabe in all areas, President Traoré has made a careful choice of collaborators, able to give their all for the higher interest of the State. Among these men devoted to serving the country, we can note Mr. Issouf Sirima, Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment.

Since his appointment to the government, Mr. Sirima has multiplied his actions in favour of his ministerial portfolio. Last month, the minister met with young beneficiaries of 60 vocational training grants offered by Morocco.

The award of these scholarships is part of the cooperation between Burkina Faso and the Kingdom of Morocco.

The meeting, which took place at the Centre d’Evaluation et de Formation Professionnelle de Ouagadougou (CEFPO), provided an opportunity to exchange with the beneficiaries and their relatives in order to provide them with administrative and financial information. It was also an opportunity to share the experiences of former trainees with the new ones who are about to join Morocco.

According to Minister Issouf Sirima, the scholarships will help these young Burkinabe to deepen their knowledge in their respective fields. To ensure a pleasant stay for these young people in their host country, the ministry is working to put in place appropriate arrangements.

He also promised support and follow-up during and after their training.

Minister Sirima congratulated the parents, who, according to him, are at the root of this success, not forgetting the beneficiaries themselves for their hard work. For him, the scholarships will enable them to increase their skills. Furthermore, the Minister reassured that the necessary arrangements will be made to facilitate their stay in the host country. He also promised support and follow-up during and after their training.

Miss OLY