Burkina-Faso/Local Consumption Month: The celebration also takes on a sporting aspect.

On the sidelines of the month of local consumption, the Ministry of Industrial Development, Trade, Handicrafts and Small and Medium Enterprises held a cross-country race on 15 December called “Cross of local consumption”. This cross-country event is in line with the activities of the 3rd edition of the “Consumons Locaux” month, which is scheduled to be celebrated on 15, 16 and 17 December 2022.

This cross is a logical continuation of the activities planned as part of the celebration of the month of local consumption. This is what the minister in charge of trade, Serge Poda, said. The Ministry of Trade has chosen sport to promote the consumption of local products.

“We take advantage of sport to convey a very strong message to the population, to the economic actors, to the public administration, to the private sector, to the paramilitary, and even to the military,” said the Director General of Commerce Souleymane Ilboudo.

Thus for him, the link is very close between sport and “local consumption”. The Minister Serge Poda also made the connection between sport and “consumons local” by indicating that both sport and local products, which he considers healthy and of good quality, bring well-being to the body. He thus called for all Burkinabè to be made aware of the “merits of local products”.

He suggested that “by consuming local products, we consume healthy products, we consume organic products, we consume physical products, we consume fitness, we consume health”. Also, he hammered, “what sport gives to the body physically and spiritually, consuming Burkinabè (local products, editor’s note), allows us to have the same thing.

Thus, all participants have completed the circuit of the Thomas Sankara memorial at a run, passing through the roundabout of the cockerel to join the Charles de Gaulle Boulevard branching at the level of the food La Surface to return to the Thomas Sankara memorial. It should be noted that Minister Serge Poda and the Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, Evrard Somda walked the circuit with all the participants.

Miss OLY