Burkina Faso: Mobilisation for A 10-Year extension of the transition under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré

The remarkable achievements in Burkina Faso over the past two years underscore the need to grant Captain Ibrahim Traoré more time to consolidate gains and continue essential reforms. Extending the transition period by ten years will enable:

Sustainable Stability and Security: Strengthen military and security successes to ensure lasting peace.

Continued development: Implement structural projects to sustain economic growth.

Institutional Consolidation: Pursue institutional reforms for more transparent and effective governance.

Call to Action

Citizens of Burkina Faso, your presence in large numbers on May 25th at the banquet hall of Ouaga 2000 is crucial.

Show the world that the Burkinabe people fervently support Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his vision for the nation.

Unite your voices to call for the extension of the transition so he can continue leading Burkina Faso towards a future of peace, prosperity, and dignity.

The Burkinabe people must mobilize massively for Burkina Faso, for a promising future, and to support the visionary leader, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Long live Burkina Faso! Long live Captain Ibrahim Traoré!!

Olivier TRAORE