Burkina Faso: Ministerial Meeting of the Coordination Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement

Launched on July 3, 2023, in Baku, Azerbaijan, by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Burkina Faso is making its presence known at the preparatory meetings of senior officials ahead of the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordination Bureau scheduled for July 5-6. This special gathering is held under the theme “The Non-Aligned Movement: United and Resolute in the Face of New Challenges.”

The importance of Burkina Faso’s presence at this meeting lies in presenting its security situation, gathering, analyzing, and examining issues of common interest that will be addressed.

 The Ambassador, Director-General of Bilateral Cooperation, Mr. Michel SOMMA, is the representative of Burkina Faso for this meeting.

It is worth noting that the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), established in 1961 as a political framework, is a platform for promoting international solidarity for the building of a peaceful and prosperous world.

Therefore, Burkina Faso intends to assert its interests, viewpoints, and make an appeal for more active solidarity in managing the security and humanitarian crisis it is facing during the meeting.

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) consists of one hundred and twenty (120) member states, making it the largest interest group within the United Nations.

 For this reason, it defends the interests of developing countries and plays a crucial role in peacekeeping, international security, and economic and social development, both regionally and within the United Nations system. Burkina Faso’s presence in this sector will be highly beneficial, especially in the security sector.

Hadja Kourouma