Burkina Faso: Me Apollinaire Kyélem de Tambèla, “Peace without development is a fragile peace”

The Head of the Government of the Burkinabe Transition, Me Apollinaire Kyélem de Tambèla, delivered his speech, outlining the major projects of his government. In his statement, the Prime Minister asked local elected officials to give the Government throughout their mandate the means of action to meet the aspirations of the Burkinabe people. These aspirations are known, they are the restoration of the territorial integrity of the country and the security of people and property, the well-being of Burkinabè and the refoundation of society through virtuous and visionary governance. During the Transition, the Government will work to achieve these objectives.

The President of Faso, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, is undergoing a profound reorganization of the army to make it more operational and effective. Most of the resources will be directed towards securing the territory and populations. Material and financial means, as well as human, cultural and spiritual. Because, if living together is undermined today, it is also because, culturally and spiritually, society has failed somewhere.

The terrorist attacks have led many Burkinabès to abandon their land and their families to find themselves in reception centres where they survive in a precarious situation. The Head of Government Me Apollinaire Kyélem de Tambèla, in his general policy statement, did not leave aside these displaced citizens. Internally displaced persons in hard-to-reach areas will be supplied by special ground and air operations, in civil-military collaboration. The Government of Burkina Faso will ensure the implementation of a response and support plan for people vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition. It is costing about 240 billion CFA francs, for the benefit of more than three million people. The living and working conditions of the population are of concern to the Government, which explains the adoption on November 9 of an operational plan to support the 2022-2023 dry season agricultural season. It is for a total amount of about 11 billion CFA francs for 60,000 tons of cereals and 20,000 tons of vegetable products expected. Inputs and equipment will be provided to producers in general, and internally displaced persons in particular.

Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyélem de Tambèla said that “peace without development is a fragile peace. It could be disturbed by any event, no matter how insignificant. Social cohesion without well-being is also fragile. A society can only be in harmony if every element of society flourishes according to its aspirations. Well-being is therefore at the heart of social life. »

Miss OLY