Burkina Faso: March in support of the FDS and VDP in the province of Sanguié

In Réo on Saturday 21 October, the people of the Sanguié province took to the streets to show their support for the transitional government of Burkina Faso, the Defence and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP).

The initiative comes from the Conscious Youth Movement- active-youth (MJCn-JA) as part of the drive to secure and regain the integrity of Burkina Faso.

According to the President of the MJC-JA, this event makes sense in view of the significant progress made since 30 September 2022, and the heroism and daily sacrifice shown by the FDS and VDP in their fearless and uncompromising defence of the country.

The aim, he added, was «to give our support to our FDS and VDP and to the transitional authorities; to make our contribution to the war effort; to send our encouragement and best wishes for success to Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his entire government; to reassure the President of the unfailing support of the patriotic youth of Sanguié», said Narcisse Bationo, President of the MJC-JA.

In support of their intentions, the MJC-JA presented a cheque for 3,000,000 CFA francs to the provincial high commissioner in support of the FDS and VDP.

The provincial high commissioner, Germaine Ouoba, welcomed the message and the donation, and promised to pass them on to the highest authorities in the transition.

She also called on the people of Sanguié province to show greater commitment and support for the fighting forces in the theatre of operations to win back the entire national territory.

At a time when some people are showing their patriotism by giving their financial support to the authorities, people like Moussa Diallo paradoxically want to demonstrate against the high cost of living without worrying for a moment about the country’s security situation.

Olivier TOE