Burkina-Faso/Mali: Signing of a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TAC)

Burkina Faso and Mali have just embarked on closer cooperation with the signing of a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TAC). This agreement is part of the ongoing consolidation of the Ouagadougou-Bamako axis between Burkina Faso and the Republic of Mali.

The establishment of this Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TAC) paves the way for the holding of a summit of the Heads of State and Government of Burkina Faso and Mali.

This summit will be held each year, alternately in one or other of the two countries.

With this agreement, we can conclude that these two countries are considering leaving ECOWAS to create their own organisation.

The signing of this treaty stems from the desire of the Heads of State of the two countries (Ibrahim Traoré and Assimi Goîta) to establish unity between the two Sahelian countries and, by extension, true unity between the peoples of Africa.

The finalisation of the project was made possible thanks to a number of meetings and preparatory work carried out by the governments of Mali and Burkina Faso.

As a reminder, Burkina Faso and Mali are linked by good, age-old relations and share the same political, cultural, security and other realities.

During the many meetings held in recent months to strengthen the Bamako-Ouagadougou axis and the federation project, the delegations from the two countries have discussed the common challenges they face and are working to define a synergy of action, particularly in the fight against terrorism and cross-border insecurity.

President Ibrahim Traoré made his first official trip to Bamako just a few weeks after taking office.

 In St Petersburg on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa summit, Captain Traoré and his Malian counterpart Assimi Goîta once again demonstrated their closeness and reaffirmed their desire to promote union between the two Sahelian states.

Neil Camara