Burkina Faso/ Key decisions from the latest Council of Ministers: constitutional revisions and Administrative reforms

The weekly Council of Ministers convened this Wednesday under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, the Transition President and Head of State in Burkina Faso. Significant decisions were made, shaping the trajectory of this transitional period, as conveyed by the Government Spokesperson, Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO.

Regarding the Presidency, the Council approved a bill aimed at revising the constitution.

Justice Minister Edasso Rodrigue BAYALA highlighted major reforms, including the institutionalization of national languages as official, while retaining French as the working language.

Notable changes include the removal of the Ombudsman of Burkina Faso and the Economic and Social Council (CES).

Their responsibilities will shift to a new institution, the National Council of Communities, bringing together religious leaders, traditional authorities, and representatives from local communities.

This entity aims to enhance grassroots participation in national decisions.

The bill also outlines the transformation of the National Intelligence Agency into a National Security Council, to be constitutionalized.

It revises the criminal liability regime for political leaders, leading to the abolition of the High Court of Justice, transferring its competencies to the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Ouagadougou, assisted by parliamentary jurors.

Other notable reforms include expanding the powers of the Constitutional Council, involving non-magistrates in the composition of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), and strengthening collaboration between the public prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Justice in the President’s criminal policy.

In the Ministry of Public Service, Labor, and Social Protection, the Council adopted a decree on the Exercise conditions of recourse action, aimed at reinforcing discipline, professionalism, and rigor within the public administration. The Minister of State in charge of the Public Service, Bassolma BAZIE, emphasized that measures would be taken against unprofessional behavior.

Under the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Prospective, the Council authorized the acquisition of an R+11 building with a basement for the public administration, aiming to optimize rental costs.

According to Finance Minister Aboubakar NACANABO, this decision is estimated to save the state approximately one billion FCFA in rent annually.

Lastly, on behalf of the Prime Minister’s office, the Council adopted a decree instituting National Days of Patriotic Engagement and Citizen Participation, showcasing the government’s commitment to citizen mobilization and patriotism.

This recent Council of Ministers  reflects an active phase of reforms in Burkina Faso, emphasizing citizen involvement and the Transition’s determination to create a more dynamic political and social environment.

Maurice  K. ZONGO