Burkina Faso: Is the CGT-B on a mission? Is Moussa Diallo manipulating a hidden agenda?

According to several reports, after the failed coup d’état in September 2023, some trade unionists decided to launch a popular uprising using trade unionism as the main route to achieve their goal.

The speech by Moussa Diallo, Secretary General of the General Confederation of Labour of Burkina Faso (CGT-B), reveals a particular perspective.

In his speech, Moussa Diallo failed to mention the progress made in the fight against terrorism.

Nor did he mention the fact that terrorists are no longer able to call the shots in the land of men of integrity.

Moussa Diallo, who presents himself as a defender of the people of Burkina Faso, has never organised a rally to support the Defence and Security Forces (FDS) or the Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (VDP) in their fight against terrorism.

The October 31st rally seems to be the result of manoeuvres orchestrated by certain union leaders, who have close links with politicians, deciding to get involved.

Where was the CGT-B when Burkina Faso was in the grip of terrorist bandits? Between 2016 and 2022, more than 13,000 Burkinabe lost their lives in these attacks.

Was Moussa Diallo indifferent to these tragedies at the time, or did he prefer to watch videos showing terrorists speaking Fulani, mocking and dancing over the bodies of Burkinabe victims?

Moussa Diallo’s reference to hooded individuals suggests that he does not recognise the faces of those responsible.

But what about the open-faced criminals who massacred the people of Burkina Faso?

Where was Moussa Diallo’s intervention in defence of the people of Burkina Faso at that time?

Maurice K. Zongo