Burkina Faso: Government implements strategy for zero tolerance of corruption

The government of Burkina Faso has developed a national strategy to prevent and fight corruption for the period 2023-2027. This strategy aims at zero tolerance of corruption, credibility of institutions and trust between citizens, the public administration and the private sector. The strategy also includes strengthening the steering of the fight against corruption and related offences, their prevention and repression. Corruption in Burkina Faso is so worrying that a policy to prevent and fight it is necessary.

The national strategy to prevent and fight corruption must necessarily benefit from the participation of all actors, in this case civil society, for its implementation.

The government will therefore take the necessary measures to provide the Supreme State Control and Anti-Corruption Authority with adequate means. This “to enable them to accelerate the processing of all pending corruption cases, and clarify all cases that pollute the daily lives of Burkinabè for more good governance and democracy,” said the government.

Captain Ibrahim Traoré mentioned that the battle on the economic side necessarily involves the fight against corruption. This fight, too, is underway. He added that “Our fight will only end when all the children of Burkina Faso have enough to eat and sleep peacefully in their country. It is time to deserve to be the country of men of integrity, said the President of the MPSR, on the day of the fight against corruption. It is in this perspective that the actors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry were sensitised on the existing legal mechanisms, while inviting them to contribute to the fight against the phenomenon of corruption.

“Corruption is a major obstacle to sustainable development. Our ambition in the fight against corruption within the department is to create a citizen watch tandem between the Anti-Corruption Committees and users in order to encourage and facilitate the denunciation of facts and cases of corruption and similar offences. Users should use the freephone numbers to denounce in order to help the Anti-Corruption Committees. If we do not work together to fight corruption, it will be difficult to win the war we are fighting today. The ministry remains committed to the fight,” said Economy Minister Dr Aboubacar Nacanabo.

Miss OLY