Burkina Faso: Fruitful Meeting Between Prime Minister Dr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambèla and diaspora entrepreneurs

 Burkina Faso Prime Minister Dr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambèla held a notable audience with a group of Burkinabe business operators residing abroad. These entrepreneurs have always showcased a commitment to actively contribute to the economic growth of Burkina Faso. Coming from countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and the United Kingdom, these business operators expressed their dedication during the meeting.

The session was marked by a productive exchange between the Prime Minister and the economic operators.

They highlighted the shared willingness to enhance economic cooperation and foster Burkina Faso’s development.

Discussions revolved around investment opportunities, potential challenges, and effective collaboration methods to promote the country’s economic growth.

Burkinabe diaspora entrepreneurs shared their experiences, expertise, and innovative ideas on stimulating various sectors of the national economy.

The diversity of represented fields, spanning from new technologies to traditional industries, underscored the wealth of skills within the Burkinabe diaspora.

Dr. Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambèla showed receptiveness to the proposals and initiatives presented by the economic operators.

He commended their commitment to Burkina Faso’s development, expressing gratitude to the Burkinabe diaspora, considered a valuable asset to the nation.

Key discussion points included the establishment of mechanisms facilitating investments, creating a conducive business environment, and strengthening ties between the government and the diaspora.

This collaboration aims to spur job creation, increase economic productivity, and fortify Burkina Faso’s resilience to global challenges.

In conclusion, this meeting laid the foundation for enhanced collaboration between the Burkinabe government and the economic diaspora.

It symbolizes a significant step towards realizing a shared vision for Burkina Faso’s sustainable development, facilitated by the active contribution of Burkinabe economic operators operating abroad.

Olivier TOE