Africa:  Enough is enough, the Burkinabe authorities are fed up with France’s lies

The patriotic mobilization in Burkina Faso is challenging the country of Mr. Macron. Indeed, one of the France’s lies is to think that the announcement of the suspension of humanitarian aid will change the Burkinabe authorities’ stance.

As a reminder, the humanitarian aid mentioned by France is merely a pretext to resurface and interfere in Burkinabe affairs.

Burkina Faso has not received any aid from France since 2021. The agreements put forward by France are nothing more than formalities to fulfill requirements without taking any real action.

Burkina Faso has taken on the challenges of the moment independently. Let’s talk about security – the Burkinabe authorities made the mistake of trusting France.

Even the French media reached out to them. The number of civilians neutralized has taken a completely different turn.

Regarding France’s lies and manipulations attempts, the new Burkina Faso under the leadership of President of the Revolution Captain Ibrahim Traoré has changed the game.

The county of honest people has  also changed its fight strategy. The national army, which French troops had downplayed, is now demonstrating its competence and effectiveness.

With a dynamic army, external parasitic forces no longer have a place on Burkinabe soil.

The Burkinabe authorities cannot simply stand by and allow a so-called friend (France) to tarnish their image through false statements aimed at garnering attention through words rather than actions.

On Monday, August 7th, Madame Olivia Rouamba, the Burkinabe diplomat, sent a letter to France to denounce the Double Taxation Treaty signed on February 15, 1967.

This denunciation letter is a result of the French side’s refusal to accede to the Burkinabe side’s request, expressed since January 2020, to renegotiate the said Treaty. France remained silent in the face of various appeals made by the Burkinabe authorities.

Given this situation, the Burkinabe government has no choice but to terminate the Treaty. This denunciation will take effect within a period of three months.

Neil Camara