Burkina Faso/Eighteen millions Gate: One more dirty trick to sabotage the anti-terrorist fight

The enemies of Burkina Faso do not run out of the most absurd ideas with the intention of sabotaging the fight to reconquer the Burkinabe territory.

They go from attempt to attempt, publishing fake stories to discredit the leaders and combatants and sow division among those engaged in the fight against terrorism.

The anti-terrorism war in Burkina has reached an unimaginable level in recent times. Revitalized and equipped with a firepower, the defense and security forces are achieving victories that give hope for an end to the tunnel in the near future.

The high level that the fight against terrorism has reached today is made possible thanks to the patriotism and solidarity of the combat forces, as well as the support of the people.

 In the face of this growing strength, the enemies of peace are multiplying their attempts at manipulation. Their favorite means remains disinformation.

The issue that has been making headlines in recent days is that of 18 million FCFA, which incriminates certain leaders involved in fundraising for the war effort.

According to our investigations carried out with reliable sources, this is once again a true disinformation, concocted by certain black hands in order to demoralize patriots who have committed to contributing to the liberation of the country.

The Burkinabe people must understand that the intentions of the enemies have not changed. They are stubbornly trying to divide national opinion and break this unity that has been a true force for good against evil.

Burkina people must remain wakeful in order to avoid falling into the wrong plans of those who still desire to keep the country under colonialist rule and extreme violence.

Yannick H.