Burkina Faso: Draft law for the depoliticisation of the administration adopted by the Council of Ministers.

Captain Traoré met this Wednesday in the Council of Ministers with members of the government. The Council adopted a bill on the depoliticization of the public administration and the reinforcement of meritocracy.

According to Bassolma BAZIE, in charge of the civil service, this bill is inspired “by the work of the African Evaluation Mechanism and the work of the College of Wise Men following the crisis over the Norbert Zongo case. These works have all recognised the need to depoliticise the public administration’. The content of this text is intended to “enable the Administration to be republican and strengthen meritocracy insofar as what is undermining the rule of law, what is undermining the foundation of the real construction of the country”, “is the fact that not only is there laxity in the Public Administration, favouritism and a certain number of social aspects on which we base ourselves in order to put well-trained and well-competent people to one side”, the Minister of State declared.

“The adoption of this law will make it possible to say that in order to occupy a position of responsibility, there are characteristics that must be taken into account, in addition to morality, which make it possible to select people who are capable of being up to the task,” he added.

With this law, the use of state property for campaigning and wearing effigies at the level of the administration are prohibited.

Miss OLY