Burkina Faso: Contributing to the reopening of the anti-peace newspaper “L’Évènement” would be a form of support for the terrorism prevailing in the country.

Contributing to the reopening of the newspaper “l’Evénement” would be dangerous for peace in Burkina Faso and undermine the fight against terrorism led by President  Ibrahim Traoré.  Linked to destabilizing acts aimed at sowing discord among the Burkinabe people through the content of its publications, this Burkinabe media  outlet had its premises closed on Saturday, June 3, by the Burkinabe tax authorities due to non-payment.

To reopen its offices, this anti-peace daily is appealing to the Burkinabe people to contribute in its favor to settle its tax debts. Should the Burkinabe people support this divisive and destabilizing newspaper?

 It is well known that this newspaper often praises terrorists and criticizes the regime of President Ibrahim Traoré, the current leader of the country.

 Considering the Burkinabe people’s ardent desire to put an end to terrorism, it is highly unlikely that they would make the mistake of supporting this media outlet and becoming an obstacle to the anti-terrorism efforts led by the current government.

«”L’Évènement” needs the support of the Burkinabe people to resume its activities as soon as possible. The condition for reopening is the payment of half of the amount owed, which is 10 million FCFA, along with a payment schedule for the remaining balance, which should not exceed December 2023», as stated by “L’Évènement” on its Facebook page.

Indeed, “l’Évènement” is not a newspaper to be presented to the Burkinabe people. It is known to be a newspaper used by the enemy to hinder any action aimed at liberating Burkina Faso from terrorism.

 Despite being engaged in destabilizing the regime of President Ibrahim Traoré by publishing unfounded investigations, similar to what their masters in France and elsewhere do, “L’Évènement” has failed to pay its taxes and currently accumulates more than twenty million FCFA in tax debts.

 This newspaper exploits its title as a pseudo media of investigation to fabricate falsehoods against the current government and promote terrorism.

At a time when the Burkinabe people are striving for security, this arrogant media outlet appeals to the same people to contribute to the reopening of its premises. Forgetting that these ten million for the reopening of its premises could be used to purchase new war materials to support the forces engaged in the fight against terrorism and bring it to an end.

The Burkinabe people, as aware as they are, will not accept contributing to the reopening of  the newspaper “l’Evénement”. Doing so would be a sort of betrayal to the noble struggle in which they are engaged.

Neil Camara