Burkina Faso: Combat Drone Crash/ Army Statement

On Wednesday, June 21, the army lost a combat drone that was returning from an «offensive reconnaissance mission» after it experienced a «technical failure», without causing any casualties on the ground. In a statement released on Thursday, June 22, 2023, the army provided clarification on this event, which had been embellished with «fantastical versions» on social media by individuals with vivid imaginations.

According to the statement from the military headquarters, the drone in question «experienced a technical failure during flight while returning to base after an offensive reconnaissance mission on Wednesday, June 21, 2023».

The aircraft crashed but «did not cause any casualties on the ground», the army reassured.

The statement further explained that technical teams, supported by ground units, immediately went to the location of the incident to recover the remains of the damaged combat drone.

An investigation has been opened «for the purpose of learning from the experience».

The army also denied all « fantastical versions imagined by certain individuals on social media and illustrated by crude photo montages», which are nothing more than «pure fiction».

Finally, the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces commended the Air Force personnel for their commendable work, day and night, «to continuously provide a tactical advantage to units engaged in the operations to reclaim national territory».

Yannick H.