Burkina-Faso: Captain Ibrahim Traoré Still President, unwavering commitment to repositioning Faso in the concert of Nations

The national forces involved in the discussions about the future of the transition did not need the full two days initially planned to reach a new transition charter. The decision has been made, and the people of Burkina Faso, in their diverse opinions and skills, have united to adopt the new charter. This charter officially bestows the title of Head of State and President of Burkina Faso on Captain Ibrahim Traoré, moving away from the designation of transition president.

Unanimously, the people of Burkina Faso have granted  President Captain Ibrahim Traoré an additional five years and the eligibility to run in future elections.

Thus, the citizens of Faso have once again endorsed the supreme military leader’s security policies, sustainable development strategies, and national sovereignty initiatives.

This marks the continuation of a patriotic journey that began a year and a half ago.

The Burkinabe people remain convinced and have demonstrated that, together with President Traoré, national cohesion, living in harmony, solidarity, peace, and stability will form the foundation of the Burkinabe nation, ensuring Burkina Faso’s repositioning on the global stage.

Therefore, for another 60 months and beyond, the people of Burkina Faso, firmly united behind President Ibrahim Traoré, will combat the nation’s adversaries and work tirelessly for the supreme interests of Faso.

Read again: Burkina Faso: The West and their abject manner of manipulating public opinion

Olivier TOE