Burkina Faso: Call for the people’s resilience in the face of the imperialists’ relentlessness

The recent developments in the news suggest a shift in the fight for the sovereignty of the people of Burkina Faso. Once again, French neocolonialism has shown its resentment by creating gruesome scenarios aimed at undermining the efforts of the MPSR and diverting the people’s attention from their true interests.


In addition to deceiving some disenfranchised individuals into their imperialist schemes, the neocolonialists rely on distortion, manipulation, and misinformation to tarnish the image of Burkina Faso’s transitional authorities.


This is done through their propaganda media, which continuously invents stories to provoke the people and disrupt the transition.


Although the African youth today clearly understand geopolitics, continued awareness is necessary to awaken those who remain unaware.


While the FDS and the VDP are on the front lines battling terrorists, the communication front must be handled by civil society organizations and the media.


Opinion leaders need to flood social media, organize forums for discussion and awareness, and engage in real debates about current issues.


Thanks to President Ibrahim Traoré and the steadfast support of the Burkinabe people, who have stood by the transition, terrorism is being defeated.


The communication battle must also be won.


Fighting against imperialism is never easy. Therefore, the people must be mentally and physically prepared to endure for the long haul to achieve a resounding victory in Burkina Faso.

Olivier TOE