Burkina-Faso: Bloody response by the armed forces to an enemy attack / several assailants decimated in the Centre-North

The Burkinabe army have just achieved a new feat in the Centre-North. According to the Burkina News Agency (AIB), precision air strikes neutralised on Monday, the several assailants attempting to attack a military detachment in Tikaré area.

Indeed, a hundred of terrorists attempted an incursion on Monday against the position of the Armed Forces in Birou, 8 km from Tikaré in the Centre-North region, but were bitterly defeated by the fierce resistance of the Burkinabe army fighting troops, reports AIB.

Having been routed, the criminals, estimated to number around one hundred, fled towards Senopguian, 22km from Tikaré.

Reinforced by aerial vehicles, the first group of terrorists, meeting in their headquarters under a tree, were sprayed with heavy fire.

Some of them escaped the air strikes and fled to hide under trees and bushes. But they were caught by fighter planes in pursuit, which decimated them all.

This valiant response is yet another victory for the defence and security forces, who are continuing to hunt down terrorists on all fronts in order to free the country from the horde of criminals and restore peace and security.

Read also: Sahel / The Liptako-Gourma Charter: A successful regional alliance against terrorism

Maurice ZONGO