Burkina Faso/Aiding and abetting the coup attempt, Major Tohougobou Ismaël has dug his own grave

The list of accomplices in the foiled coup attempt against Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his collaborators is long. Some of these dishonest individuals are Burkinabe officers. According to reports, their mission was to eliminate Captain Ibrahim Traoré to mark the success of the coup.The mission failed, and several officers have been arrested, while others are on the run.Investigations have been launched to hold them accountable for their actions. Commander Tohougobou Ismaël is on the list of opposing officers. He was arrested for wanting to impose his laws.

Spotted in Gounghin, Major Tohougobou Ismaël used his weapon on the armed forces sent to find him.

 This provocation turned out badly for Major Tohougobou Ismaël. The Burkinabe forces searching for him have an arrest warrant. The law was respected.

Before the forces responded, Major Tohougobou Ismaël opened fire and wounded a member of the team.

Investigations are underway to shed light on the incident. For the time being, the people of Burkina Faso should not rely on rumours. The true version of events is that relayed by the authorities.

Thanks to the expertise of the intelligence service, this attempt to undermine state security was foiled. The other allies in this plot will all be arrested.

The people of Burkina Faso must trust the authorities and support them in order to put an end to this manipulation.

Neil Camara