Burkina Faso / After a foiled coup d’état, the President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré, sends his heartfelt thanks to the people of Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, following a failed coup d’état on Tuesday night, the President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré, addressed his compatriots on his X account (formerly Twitter).

«Together, we are committed to liberating our country. I assure you of my determination to bring the Transition to a successful conclusion despite adversity and the various manoeuvres to halt our inexorable march towards sovereignty. My conviction is forged with each step taken in the reconquest of our beloved homeland. THANK YOU to all the people of Burkina Faso who keep a constant watch on their fellow citizens, a guarantee of collective success», wrote Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

The government of Burkina Faso has also issued a statement on the coup d’état, which was foiled by the intelligence services.

The public prosecutor’s office at the Ouagadougou military court reiterated this statement in a note, deploring the arrest of four officers and two others on the run, who are currently being actively sought.

This is an opportunity to reiterate to the African people, and above all to their leaders, to be wary of the Western media.

They use African names to trick the African people into believing their daily lies. This foiled coup has undoubtedly left the mark of France and its stooges as Heads of State of certain ECOWAS member countries.

The plan is to make the people of Burkina Faso believe an alleged disagreement within the army in order to sneak the coup through.

 But the coup was prepared from outside, with the backing of a quarter of officers who had lost their way internally.

This criminal destabilisation plan has been used against many countries.

Once again, congratulations to the Burkinabe intelligence services for their professionalism, and bravo to the entire Burkinabe people, who agreed to act as a human shield to protect the Head of State so that he could bring the transition to a successful conclusion.

Maiga Dao