Burkina-Faso: A vision of Sustainable Development based on the People’s interest

In pursuing his commitment to the sustainable development of Burkina Faso, President Ibrahim Traoré has once again demonstrated his principal concern for the interests of the people.

An important decision in this regard was taken at the Council of Ministers meeting on 9 August 2023, when the government terminated the concession agreement for Donsin airport.

This measure reflects the priority given by President Traoré and his government to safeguarding national resources, ensuring transparency in public affairs and promoting equitable development.

The decision to terminate the Donsin airport concession agreement is the result of a series of meticulous observations made by the government authorities.

President Traoré and his government have identified a number of shortcomings in the agreement that run directly counter to the vision of sustainable development and equity that they are seeking to promote for Burkina Faso.

The Minister of Transport, Urban Mobility and Road Safety, Roland SOMDA, pointed out that the private partner initially involved in the concession was to operate the airport for a period of thirty years before returning it to the State.

However, this commitment came with a derisory financial contribution from the private partner, which was not in line with national interests.

In addition, the tax regime set up under the agreement was inadequate and did not meet the needs of civil aviation.

Numerous clauses of the agreement were in contradiction with the standards and regulations governing civil aviation at national and international level.

President Traoré and his government team took the decision to terminate the contract in good conscience and with the aim of safeguarding the interests of the State and the people of Burkina Faso.

Minister Roland SOMDA reassured the nation that credible alternatives were already being considered in collaboration with other partners, with the aim of finding a fairer financing model better suited to the country’s needs.

Aissatou Mané