Burkina Faso / A memorable tribute: President Ibrahim Traoré honours Captain Thomas SANKARA

October 15th,2023 marks the 36th anniversary of the assassination of Captain Thomas SANKARA, the icon of the Burkinabe Revolution. This event, under the leadership of President Ibrahim Traoré, promises to be a memorable day in tribute to the father of the Revolution.

Under the sponsorship of the President of the Transition, this commemoration is of particular importance.

The government plans to take strong action to honour the memory of Captain SANKARA.

The day will begin with the laying of wreaths of flowers on the grave of this national hero, a symbolic way of remembering his dedication to the cause of Burkina Faso and his fight for a better future.

One of the most significant moments of this commemoration will be the official ceremony at which President Thomas SANKARA will be elevated to the rank of Hero of the Nation.

This official recognition underlines the indelible impact he has had on the nation and the inspiration he continues to bring to many generations.

But the tribute does not stop there. This day will also mark the start of work on the Thomas SANKARA mausoleum.

The laying of the foundation stone of this memorial will be a historic moment when the country begins to build a monument dedicated to the legacy and ideology of Captain SANKARA.

In addition to these powerful acts, another bold decision has been taken. The Boulevard Charles de Gaulle, a major artery in the capital, will be renamed.

 From 15 October 2023, it will be known as «Boulevard Thomas SANKARA». This change reinforces the importance of Captain SANKARA in the history and culture of Burkina Faso.

This commemoration is not only an opportunity to remember a charismatic leader, but also to celebrate his legacy, ideals and vision for a more equitable and prosperous Burkina Faso.

By taking these significant steps, President Ibrahim Traoré is demonstrating his commitment to preserving and promoting the legacy of Captain Thomas SANKARA, while continuing to build a better future for Burkina Faso.

Maurice K. Zongo