Benin: Government to reorganise port.

In view of its modernisation, the port of Cotonou is reorganising its activities around three main terminals: a multipurpose terminal, a container terminal and a bulk terminal under construction.

As part of its reform policy in the port sector, the government has decided to create a new handling company to manage the multipurpose terminal and the bulk terminal. This company will be of mixed economy with its capital carried by the State and a strategic partner of international reference.

This new company will take over from the Beninese Port Handling Company (Sobemap) which will be dissolved. According to the authorities, its low level of competitiveness is explained in particular by its status as a public company which does not facilitate flexibility and adaptation to the requirements of international maritime trade, the press release stresses. Also at fault is its low investment capacity, which does not allow it to adapt its equipment to the needs of the maritime industry, which is constantly changing, as well as the structure of its operating costs.

Through the creation of the new company, the government intends “to make the port benefit from the expertise of the strategic partner, its network and its capacity to mobilise the necessary financing for the acquisition of modern handling equipment”. In the long term, this should lead to an increase in traffic and port performance.

It should be recalled that the Council of Ministers of 14 September 2022 adopted the creation of the single employment office, whose upcoming operationalisation will ensure better management of dockers by offering them better working and living conditions.

Miss OLY