Algeria commemorates National Emigration Day and remembers martyrs of 1961

On Tuesday, October 17, Algeria commemorated the National Emigration Day, marked by a minute of silence observed throughout the country and the organization of several historical conferences in memory of the Algerians who fell as martyrs during the events of October 17, 1961, in France.

The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, delivered a message to the Algerian people on this occasion. In his message, he saluted the strong sense of nationalism among the Algerians residing abroad and their unwavering commitment as patriots in every national event and circumstance.

«The commemoration of National Migration Day offers us an opportunity, to express our pride in the glories and epic moments of our national history. It also allows us to renew our loyalty to the oath taken in honor of the martyrs who sacrificed themselves so that a free and dignified Algeria could thrive. These glories and epics are an integral part of the rich legacy of the Algerian struggle over the years, serving as a source of inspiration for future generations», the President of the Republic said.

As part of the commemoration of this significant anniversary, a minute of silence was observed at 11:00 on Tuesday in memory of the martyrs of the events of October 17, 1961.

This annual observance of a minute of silence was decreed by the President of the Republic in 2021 in honor of National Emigration Day.

On this occasion, the President of the Council of the Nation, Mr. Salah Goudjil, recalled the great achievements and sacrifices of the members of the national community abroad and their steadfast attachment to their homeland during all the historical phases that Algeria has passed through, from the national movement to the construction of the new Algeria, including the Liberation Revolution.

Workers from various national institutions and companies, including Algeria Telecom, observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of these historically significant events that were brutally suppressed by the French police at the time.

At the local level, a minute of silence was observed throughout the wilayas (administrative divisions) as part of the commemoration of this anniversary, and several conferences were held to shed light on the brutality of the French colonizers who oppressed Algerian emigrants defending their just national cause.