Africa: Umaro Sissoco Embalo loses his seat as President of ECOWAS and rages against Burkina again. Another pro-terrorism?

The President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Embalo Sissoco, seems not to have learned his lesson from his people, who embarrassingly sanctioned him in the recent legislative elections by giving the majority of seats to the opposition coalition, PAI Terra Ranka. This reversal of fortune forced him to give up a second term as the President of ECOWAS (which has now been taken over by Nigerian Bola Tinubu), but it has not changed his lack of delicacy, his pro-France stance, and his anger against the anti-terrorism war in Burkina.

Apparently, the President’s bitter and humiliating failure in the parliamentary elections has only embittered him further, to the point of distorting his thinking.

His rage has intensified against some of his regional counterparts, including Assimi Goïta and Ibrahim Traoré, and their quest for sovereignty.

During a visit to Paris, the President gave an interview to the magazine «Jeune Afrique» (a well-known publication that has turned its back on its primary mission of defending Africa’s interests to align itself with France and its allies), in which he continues to incite inter-ethnic conflict in Burkina.

«The stigmatization of the Fulani community must stop», he declared.

These statements have raised questions and concerns about the former President of ECOWAS’s true intentions.

« In his attempt to discredit President Ibrahim Traoré and the fight against terrorism, Embalo confirms his validation and sponsorship of terrorist violence in the Sahel», according to a Pan-African leader.

Another observer questions, «Is Embalo against the ongoing war on terrorism? Is the war directed against a specific ethnicity in Burkina? Does he prefer that the Burkinabe state stand idly by while terrorists continue to cause civilian casualties and grief for military families?»

It is well-known that France has not yet come to terms with the awareness and maturity of the Burkinabe people, who remain united behind their President, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, in the common fight against terrorism.

As a servant of the imperialist state, Umaro Embalo once again demonstrates his resolve to faithfully serve it through his dangerous and thoughtless remarks and actions, aimed at destabilization.

Instead of calling on young Fulanis recruited by terrorist groups to lay down their weapons and join the republic, he indulges in irrational and tactless rhetoric, forgetting that Fulanis are involved in several security crises across the continent (Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Mali, Burkina), which nobody talks about to avoid inter-ethnic uprisings against Fulanis, some of whom are victims of the barbaric acts committed by their own people.

Pedro Okalamar