Africa: Towards an African-style democracy

The capital of Togo hosted the Peace and Security Forum in Africa over the past weekend. This international event, promoted by Togolese diplomacy, saw the participation of representatives from the United Nations, the European Union, ECOWAS, and the Alliance of Sahel States. Over the course of two days, the panel discussions focused on «political transitions», which shape the lives of several countries in the sub-region. In her address, Her Excellency Mrs. Olivia Ragnaghnewende ROUAMBA, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Burkinabe Abroad, representing Burkina Faso at the forum, emphasized the need for African states to have a political governance model that takes their realities into account.

«Democracy, yes, but it should be done the African way. When we look at some countries like the United States, they also faced challenges along the way before reaching where they are today».

On the sidelines of the forum, the Burkinabe Foreign Minister Olivia Rouamba and her Malian counterpart were received by the Togolese President, Faure Gnassingbé.

The three personalities discussed current and mutually interesting topics for the people of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Togo.

For Lomé, this inaugural edition of the Peace and Security Forum is part of the country’s ongoing diplomatic efforts to provide an alternative, more African approach to international issues, as well as to promote peace and security in the sub-region.

Neil Camara