Africa: Did ECOWAS Modify its constitution to destabilize Niger?

ECOWAS rushed to impose fraudulent sanctions against the sovereign country Niger as soon as the military took control of the situation. Under pressure from France, unprecedented and illegal sanctions emerged from all corners. Interestingly, some African leaders are supporting the destabilization of a fellow country.

According to investigations by experts, the sanctions imposed by ECOWAS are not provided for anywhere in the organization’s texts.

There is no legal basis for the sanctions imposed by  this Organization against the Republic of Niger.

The regional organization that should, according to its texts, support its member states, is turning its back to serve France, which continues to exploit resources and weaken countries day by day.

The ECOWAS leaders pushing for a military intervention in Niger seem to forget that they also have populations living on Nigerien soil.

An attack could potentially lead to a continental conflict. Choosing the military option to restore constitutional order appears to be a risky, imprudent, and dangerous choice that will further destabilize the already terrorism-afflicted sub-region.

Some ECOWAS leaders must be regretting their decisions made at the beginning of the situation in Niger, opting for military intervention.

Currently, tensions are high within the organization. ECOWAS is caught between a rock and a hard place.

The populations within the sub-regional space no longer trust ECOWAS.

Neil Camara