Africa: CSOs in the making to destabilise the transition, France’s plan

According to corroborating sources, plans to destabilise countries in transition (Burkina-Faso, Mali, Niger) in favour of France’s departure and the closure of its bases are under way. This new modus operando consists of creating civil society organisations (CSOs) from scratch in support of the transition, claiming to be fighting for the country and not for power.

The aim is to have as many militants as possible, bought by financial means, ready to sow chaos and disrupt public order by means of popular mobilisations.

These organisations in the making have a single mission: to accomplish France’s nefarious plans, which are now widely known and totally rejected.

That is another way for France to perpetuate its neo-colonialist hold on French-speaking Africa, which wants nothing more than «to decide its own destiny».

Its numerous attempts at military aggression in this part of Africa having been thwarted, Emmanuel Macron’s country, supported by certain African presidents, is brandishing that new way of destabilising the transition.

Once France’s Machiavellian plan (to buy the conscience of the population and use it as a scapegoat to sabotage the reconquest of the country’s integrity) is revealed, the transitional presidents must monitor all the actions of the Civil society organisations (CSOs) currently in place or being set up, in order to preserve the country and the gains made since they came to power.

Harouna Bafoussam