Africa: A Russian initiative to define the continent’s energy landscape

Moscow has confirmed that it will shortly be launching a programme entitled Africa’s Underground. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed the announcement. These Russian initiatives could well define the energy landscape of the African continent for years to come.

Sergueï Lavrov explained that the Africa Subsoil Project would be launched in the coming months.

This cooperation and knowledge-sharing project will enable Moscow to share its experience with its African friends in terms of extracting mineral resources and managing them properly.

This announcement comes at a time when Russia has recently signed a number of partnerships with African countries to help them develop their nuclear industries.

These scientific and technological partnerships as part of the  project “Africa’s Underground”  will be carried out in collaboration with Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy agency, and researchers from the Saint Petersburg University of Mining.

Russia’s growing interest in Africa demonstrates two things. The first is that Africa is on the verge of a real energy revolution, a small revolution in the way it produces and manages its resources.

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Neil Camara