AES: Time for the people of the greater Sahel to unite and counter the West’s attempts at manipulation

Ouagadougou, Burkina FasoIn a rallying cry for unity and vigilance, the leaders of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) have urged the people of the greater Sahel region to stand together against external manipulation and neo-colonial threats.


Solidarity and support for the AES leadership are deemed crucial in countering efforts that undermine the stability and sovereignty of the Sahel.

The AES leaders – Captain Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso, Colonel Assimi Goïta of Mali, and General Abdourahamane Tiani of Niger – have consistently prioritized the aspirations of their citizens in their governance.

Their relentless efforts focus on ensuring that the region’s mineral wealth benefits the broader population rather than a privileged few or foreign interests.

By strengthening regional alliances, they aim to create a unified front capable of withstanding malevolent external influences.

Collectively, the AES is resolute in overcoming current challenges and building a future of peace and prosperity, free from foreign interference.

The people of the Sahel are encouraged to remain vigilant and aware of the true intentions behind France’s manipulations.

The hard-won freedom and independence of the region must not be sacrificed on the altar of modern imperialism.

The call to action comes at a crucial time, as the region faces significant geopolitical pressures.

The AES leaders emphasize that the moment has arrived for the Sahel’s populace to stand firm, united, and resilient, to safeguard sovereignty and ensure a better future for upcoming generations.

As the AES continues to navigate these turbulent times, the support and unity of the Sahelian people will be paramount in the quest for lasting independence and regional prosperity.


Neil Camara