AES / Rising above terrorism: The Sahel’s path to renewed hope and security

For years, the Sahel region has been locked in a relentless struggle against a pervasive and deadly threat: terrorism. However, a new chapter of optimism is unfolding under the leadership of President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso and his counterparts from Mali and Niger, united in the Sahel States Alliance (AES).

Despite facing challenges posed by imperialist forces and local allies, the AES’s steadfast commitment to securing the region is heralding promising outcomes in this enduring battle.

In previous regimes, terrorist attacks devastated Sahel communities, leaving behind a trail of destruction and mourning.

Hundreds of civilians were killed every week, showcasing the terror inflicted by these extremist groups.

However, since President Ibrahim Traoré took office in Burkina Faso, a significant transformation has occurred.

Villages are no longer easy targets for terrorists; instead, these extremists find themselves hunted and cornered.

One key to this success lies in the unprecedented collaboration among the Armed Forces of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

This synergy allows soldiers to cross borders with ease, relentlessly pursuing terrorists wherever they hide.

Joint operations have eroded terrorist strongholds and reduced their ability to operate freely in the region.

The results speak for themselves. Terrorist attacks have significantly decreased in the region since AES intensified its efforts.

Communities that were once terrorized are gradually regaining a sense of security and stability.

The progress made is undeniable and reflects the steadfast commitment of AES leaders to protect their citizens and uphold peace in the region.

However, these successes are not without challenges. Imperialists and their local allies continue to interfere in the region’s affairs, seeking to impede AES’s progress.

Despite this, President Ibrahim Traoré and his peers remain determined to continue their fight against terrorism, refusing to succumb to adversity.

It is time for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to acknowledge the success model presented by AES.

If all ECOWAS countries unite in a coordinated effort, terrorism can be eradicated from the sub-region.

AES’s example demonstrates that with strong political will and regional cooperation, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.

Maurice K. ZONGO