AES/France: Actions and Behaviour demonstrate that the people have turned their backs on the former colonial power

France’s reluctance to grant true freedom has ultimately backfired. Among the colonial powers in Africa, France has been the most notorious for giving its former colonies only a facade of independence.

Under the guise of an imaginary fight against terrorism—a threat it largely fabricated—France maintained its grip on Africa for decades.

This control was primarily to exploit Africa’s vast resources, and as if that wasn’t enough, France sought to further entrench its influence by effectively turning African countries into extensions of itself, dictating who would lead various regions. But, as is often the case, nothing lasts forever.

The era of “Françafrique” lingered longer than many hoped, but it has finally come to an end. The revolutionaries and pan-Africanists of today are not those of past centuries.

The Sahel States Alliance (AES) is now leading the charge, showing a way out of the abyss that former French colonies have been plunged into.

The unity, solidarity, determination, and dedication displayed by the people of these countries and their pan-African allies illustrate clearly that the time for a complete break from imperialism and neo-colonialism has come.

Today, the leaders of the AES enjoy unwavering support from renowned pan-Africanists.

A notable example is Franco-Beninese pan-Africanist Kemi Seba, who visited Burkina Faso to express his support for President Ibrahim Traoré.

On June 12, 2024, he was welcomed as a hero by the Burkinabe people, highlighting their thirst for freedom and their readiness to fight for it.

Indeed, the struggle has only just begun and will continue, even if adversaries attempt to target these proud sons of Africa.